Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Broken Sword of the Empire Review Essay Example

The Broken Sword of the Empire Review Paper Essay on The Broken Sword of the Empire What is the Soviet Union? Empty shelves, downtrodden population, poverty, economic inefficiency, lack of democracy, rotten state? The list goes on and on. Myths about the country with which the disappearance was not more than 20and years, more and more. Watch TV, and the next Svanidze says the backwardness of the USSR in the industry, about the bloody gebnya, a crushing defeat in the Cold War. Over and over again in the head is driven idea of ​​the backwardness of the USSR, the full technical superiority of the West. Maxim Kalashnikov done a great job in his book. He showed other USSR. Hidden from the eyes of an ordinary citizen, a strong technological power. Ideas that seemed unattainable and which have been implemented. Kalashnikovs book is not just an emotional description of what it was in the USSR, and that specifically lost in exchange for dermokraty. This techno-opera, techno anthem of Soviet weaponry and the industry! A few examples are examples, Almaz, 3-seater manned spacecraft, armed with 23-millimitrovoy cannon to destroy enemy satellites; Skif-D, essentially the same thing, only armed with a chemical laser; plasma gun and a plasma shield; incredibly huge plane Mriya (the one of 2012) to display the Buran in orbit, unique missiles, military aircraft, navy, and much more. Episodes of unparalleled heroism of the Soviet soldiers and scientists fill this book and make proud of their compatriots. Soviet victory in space, technology, science, industry, all hushed up. And only sometimes pos sible to learn something. We will write a custom essay sample on The Broken Sword of the Empire Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Broken Sword of the Empire Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Broken Sword of the Empire Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another important detail. Unlike the West, the USSR created all alone, focusing on its domestic market. West also share the costs between the two countries. For example, Japan, manufactures high-tech and automobiles, heavy industry there. US computers, military industry and the car industry, given that the US has oil and other minerals, they prefer not to touch them. Resources were drawn from the third world countries. In general, every western country, took over part of the technological, industrial and financial burden. And the Soviet Union produced a whole series of consumer goods, functioned all the necessary industrial facilities (factories) was mined minerals, carried out scientific and technical work and all these things one country! All the rest of the world to do together, we have made ourselves, and have done so much better West. Remember, the whole strength of present-day Russia, as well as the rest of the CIS, held on the Soviet heritage. But the Soviet Union collapsed. Why? The book is the answer to this question. Elite. Or rather the ruling elite. Indeed, a flock of sheep (in any case is not about people, but about the destruction of the country after the revolution) controlled by a lion (not talking about Stalin), better herd of lions (read above), driven ram (by someone too happy call a sheep, its the range of the 80). West was crafty, they understand that can not stand against the Soviet Union in an open battle. Therefore, they conducted psychological treatment of our country, and especially of our elite. They showed us pictures of life in the US and in Europe, and the whispered give up their country, and you will live also. Intellectuals, who lived in the Soviet Union, having received an excellent education in the USSR, taking advantage of the benefits of the USSR, living in houses and cottages provided by the USSR, the hated scoop, and all the forces fought against him. And so at the helm of the greatest Empir e (aka Soviet Kalashnikov rarely calls) were weak, helpless and frightened people. Therefore, it is easy to give up the leadership of the USSR position after another, so the citizens of the country so indifferently reacted to the collapse of the state. Country betrayed, destroyed, crushed, sold, dismembered. ?. In the name of what P.S After the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially in the West, there was a sad saying: All that the West said about the Soviet Union, was a lie. All that the Soviet Union talked about the West was true  »

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault Although much lesser known than his literary heirs the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, 17th-century French writer, Charles Perrault, not only solidified the fairy tale as a literary genre but wrote nearly all of the genres most signature stories, including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Bluebeard, Puss in Boots, Tom Thumb, and the larger designation of Mother Goose stories. Perrault published his Stories or Tales from Times Past (subtitled Mother Goose Tales) in 1697 and arrived at the end of a long and not entirely satisfying literary life. Perrault was nearly 70 years old and, while he was well-connected, his contributions had been more intellectual than artistic. But this slim volume comprised of three of his earlier verse stories and eight new prose stories achieved a success that hadnt seemed possible to the man whod long made his main living as a civil servant.   Impact on Literature   Some of Perraults stories were adapted from oral tradition, some were inspired by episodes from earlier works, (including Boccaccios The Decameron and Apuleius The Golden Ass), and some were inventions wholly new to Perrault. What was most significantly new was the idea of turning magical folk tales into sophisticated and subtle forms of written literature. While we now think of fairy tales as primarily childrens literature, there was no such thing as childrens literature in Perraults time. With this in mind, we can see that the morals of these tales take on more worldly purposes, despite their slyly clever packaging within the fantastical universe of fairies, ogres, and talking animals. While Perraults original tales are hardly the versions that were fed to us as children, they also cant be expected to be the feminist and socialist alternate versions that we might wish them to be (see Angela Carters 1979 story collection, The Bloody Chamber, for this kind of modern twist; Carter had translated an edition of Perraults fairy tales in 1977 and was inspired to create her own versions as a response). Perrault was an upper-class intellectual during the reign of the Sun King. Unlike the fable-writer Jean de La Fontaine, whose rich narratives often criticized the powerful and took the side of the underdog (in fact he himself was not in favor with the megalomaniacal Louis XIV), Perrault didnt have much of an interest in rocking the boat. Instead, as a leading figure on the modern side of the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns, he brought new forms and sources to literature to create something that even the ancients had never seen. La Fontaine was on the side of the ancients and wrote fables in the vein of Aesop, and while La Fontaine was much more lyrically sophisticated and intellectually clever, it was Perraults modernity that lay the foundation for a new kind of literature thats created a culture all its own. Perrault may have been writing for adults, but the fairy tales that he first put on paper spawned a revolution in what kinds of stories could be made into literature. Soon, writing for children spread throughout Europe and eventually across the rest of the world. The results and even his own works may have gone far out of Perraults intent or control, but thats what often happens when you introduce something new into the world. It seems that theres a moral somewhere in that. References in Other Works   Perraults tales entered culture in ways that far transcend his own personal artistic reach. They permeated virtually every level of modern art and entertainment- from rock songs to popular films to the most sophisticated stories by literary fabulists such as Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood. With all these tales forming a common cultural currency, the clarity and intent of the originals have often been either obscured or contorted to serve sometimes questionable meanings. And while a film like 1996s Freeway creates a brilliant and necessary twist on the Little Red Riding Hood story, many more popular versions of Perraults works (from the saccharine Disney films to the grotesquely insulting Pretty Woman) manipulate their audiences by promoting reactionary gender and class stereotypes. Much of this is in the originals, though, and its often surprising to see just what is and what isnt in the original versions of these seminal fairy tales. Tales by Perrault In Puss in Boots, the youngest of three sons inherits only a cat when his father dies, but through the cats wily scheming the young man ends up wealthy and married to a princess. Perrault, who was in favor with Louis XIV, provides two interconnected but  competing  morals to the  tale, and he clearly had the machinations of the court in mind with this witty satire. On the one hand, the tale promotes the idea of using hard work and ingenuity to get ahead, rather than just relying on your parents money. But on the other hand, the story warns against being taken in by pretenders who may have achieved their wealth in unscrupulous ways. Thus, a tale that seems like a didactic childrens fable actually serves as a double-edged send-up of class mobility as it existed in the seventeenth century. Perraults Little Red Riding Hood reads much like the popularized versions that we all grew up with, but with one big difference: the wolf eats the girl and her grandmother, and nobody comes along to save them. Without the happy ending that the Brothers Grimm supply in their version, the story serves as a warning to young women against talking to strangers, especially against charming wolves who seem civilized but are perhaps even more dangerous. Theres no heroic male to slay the wolf and save Little Red Riding Hood from her own gullible innocence. Theres only danger, and its up to young women to learn how to recognize it. Like Puss in Boots, Perraults Cinderella also has two competing and contradictory morals, and they likewise discuss questions of marriageability and class connection. One moral claims that charm is more important than looks when it comes to winning a mans heart, an idea that suggests that anyone can achieve happiness, regardless of their conventional assets. But the second moral declares that no matter what natural gifts you have, you need a godfather or godmother in order to put them to good use. This message acknowledges, and perhaps supports, societys profoundly uneven playing field. The most strange and amazing of Perraults tales, Donkey Skin, is also one of his least known, probably because its shocking grotesqueries have no way of being watered down and made easily palatable. In the story, a dying queen asks her husband to remarry after her death, but only to a princess even more beautiful than her. Eventually, the kings own daughter grows to surpass her dead mothers beauty, and the king falls deeply in love with her. At the suggestion of her fairy godmother, the princess makes seemingly impossible demands of the king in exchange for her hand, and the king somehow fulfills her demands each time to both shimmering and terrifying effect. Then she demands the skin of the kings magic donkey, which defecates gold coins and is the source of the kingdoms wealth. Even this the king does, and so the princess flees, wearing the donkey skin as a permanent disguise. In Cinderella-like fashion, a young prince rescues her from her squalor and marries her, and events transpire so that her father also ends up happily paired with a neighboring widow-queen. Despite the tidiness of all its ends, this is the story that contains the messiest and wildest of Perraults invented worlds. Perhaps that is why posterity has been unable to tame it into a version that feels comfortable presenting to children. There is no Disney version, but for the adventurous, Jacques Demys 1970 film starring Catherine Deneuve manages to capture all of the storys perversity while casting the loveliest and most magical spell on its viewers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Censorship and dehumanization in V for Vendetta by James McTeigue and in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Censorship and dehumanization in V for Vendetta by James McTeigue and in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Government control over its citizens is significant to the regime and it is this dominance over their people that leaves little room to question authority, but rather conform to the regime’s ideologies. This is portrayed in V for Vendetta by James McTeigue and in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Both film and novel show significant aspects as to how the two governments use censorship by conditioning the citizens and being cruel where the society uses dehumanization as a means of control. The government is determined to create a stable and ideal society, however, the distinction between citizens is censored by the government, resulting in totalitarian rule. This portrays the negative influence a controlling government has on people. In order to prevent it, citizens must rebel against the authority and unite. The government censors community perspective and affects their social status. In both works, the controlling governments have a negative impact on the people by reinforcing laws and restrictions on the society, making it an ideal one. This is seen in Brave New World when the Director states, â€Å"the secret of happiness and virtue-liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny†. The Director is emphasizing how the World State has the higher authority over everyone in society. This is exemplifying the members of the community’s castes are â€Å"conditioned† at a young age and are instructed to perform daily tasks to create an ideal society. Regardless of what a human being is capable of, the World State aims to make â€Å"people like their inescapable social destiny† meaning their rights and freedom in society are reduced, however, they are conditioned to feel happy. In contrast, in V for Vendetta, the government is also censoring the community’s perspective and affecting their social status. This is evident in the film when V mentions â€Å"cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have systems of surveillance coercing your conformity†. Government has ultimately shown the use of totalitarian rule as of one aspect to govern the citizens. The use of â€Å"cruelty and injustice† from the controlling government is portrayed, meaning unfairness and savagery are being shown towards the citizens which â€Å"oppresses† them to express their feelings in society. These two controlling governments are both different because of the way censorship is used against the society. The government in Brave New World uses a method of â€Å"conditioning† to make people â€Å"like their inescapable destiny,† meaning citizens perform the desired task instructed by the government. However, in V for Vendetta, the use of â€Å"cruelty and injustice† is used in order for the citizens to perform their tasks as society instructed by the government. Ultimately, the way in which each government maintains control over their citizens differs, however the objective is the same. Through the oppression of their citizens they can gain a greater rule. Another way the government has a negative impact by the use of laws and restrictions towards the people in Brave New World when the Controller states â€Å"One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them†, drawing attention to conditioning yet again. Citizens do not have the freedom of thought to question what it is they must believe, they simply are taught to blindly believe. Similarly, in V for Vendetta, the negative governmental impact is evident when V states, â€Å"a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing nothing, we gave it away†. It becomes clear that V understands that the freedom of thought would have given him power to fight against the government. In both works, the contexts are similar because in Brave New World, citizens are â€Å"conditioned to believe things† at a young age. Similarly in V for Vendetta, the government is reinforced to accept the ir lives in society which are controlled by a â€Å"handful of oppressors.† Both works show the negative governmental impact on society and affecting the social status of individuals conditioning and censorship which results in a totalitarian government in order to create the ideal society. This demonstrates how the government is determined to create a utopian society by using censorship and conditioning. However, the lack of distinction amongst the individuals is censored by the government. The government’s use of dehumanization and stripping of identity is vital to create a utopian society through methods of control. This is evident in Brave New World as there is a distinct caste system that dictates each member’s identity. This is achieved through a Bokanovsky process where there are Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines†. This exemplifies how there is no such thing as individuality as the identity is assigned to them based on a caste and they are exactly identical. Through this process, the government successfully strips a citizen’s identity and is thereby able to control them more effectively. On the other hand, V for Vendetta gave a significant aspect as to how negative governmental impact can harshly strip a citizen’s identity. This was evident in V for Vendetta when Evey reads her Valerie’s letter in the cell she was captured in and referred to the cruel injustice Valerie suffered from the govern ment. The letter read, â€Å"They shaved off my hair and held my head down a toilet bowl and told jokes about lesbians†. This is explaining how Valerie was a lesbian and had feelings for her girlfriend named Ruth. However, Ruth killed herself because she couldn’t live with betraying Valerie. Later on, they came for Valerie who was also stripped down by the government officials and harshly abused her by â€Å"shaving her hair† and holding Valerie’s head â€Å"down a toilet bowl† while making â€Å"jokes about lesbians.† These events stripped Valerie’s identity because she loved an identical gender which was oppressed by the government and thus the government thereby is able to control the society and oppressing an individual’s feelings. These two ideas contradict because of the citizens in Brave New World are assigned an identity based on a caste however, in V for Vendetta, citizens are stripped for loving their identical gender by the government. The governments are urged to create a stable society with the Bokanovsky process and stripping identity of an individual in order to maintain control over its’ society Another example of dehumanization is seen when Bernard’s characterization is shown in the book. This was evident in Brave New World when the Director states, â€Å"if ever I hear again of any lapse from a proper standard of infantile decorum, I shall ask for your transference to a Sub-Centre-preferably to Iceland†. This is demonstrating the director is stating how the characteristics of Bernard, not being â€Å"infantile† are inhuman from director’s perspective, and thus he threatens Bernard to transfer him to Iceland due to his behavior. This is also shown in V for Vendetta when Evey is tortured by V, in the same manner that V was tortured by the government and how everyone is tortured by the government. This was evident when Evey was informed by the jailkeeper, â€Å"The penalty in which is death†¦you must tell the identity of V and you can live back to your normal life. If you cooperate, you will be released from this faculty†. Evey decides not to cooperate with the government and as means of control, Evey was forced to live in severe conditions by being tortured in the cell. This scene portrays the significance of government control by stripping identity of an individual if a citizen fails to â€Å"cooperate with the government.† The mention of â€Å"penalty in which is death† was to infiltrate Evey’s mind with fear. In other words, if an individual decides not to collaborate with the authority, there are consequences for every citizen. These two medias are parallelly similar in a sense that restrictions and laws are all applied to every citizen, however the consequences are quite diverse as in Brave New World, citizens are transferred to Iceland due to any inhuman characteristics whereas in V for Vendetta, the citizens are harshly abused if an individual fails to cooperate with the authority. The government’s ideology is to create a utopian society, however, if an individual disobeys the r estrictions by the government, he/she may face consequences that results in totalitarian rule. In conclusion, Brave New World and V for Vendetta compare in the sense that they both make their audience aware of the negative governmental impact both medias shown with the use of censorship and dehumanization. The government is determined to create a utopian society despite the lack of variation between citizens and the negative governmental impact it effected on the society. The use of censorship and dehumanization dominated all individuals and putting restrictions on their uniqueness and human qualities one may possess at birth.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion - Personal Statement Example This gives a business platform for future reference. General accounting standards are the rule and concepts that govern accounting. Investors and speculators will make wrong choices, if companies make annual adjustment entries. Closing entries are made at the completion of journals, which are transferred from temporary to permanent accounts while reverse entry is the vice versa. Accounting process involves journal entries, trial balance, financial statements, and closing books. The main steps in closing cycle are closing the revenue, expense and income accounts. Accuracy involved in the above process can be improved by double checking system and by using a computerized system of accounting. Double checking will increase chances of sporting mistakes while computerized accounting enhances safety. E-activity helps users of financial information since they will be able to make correct and timely decisions. There will also be easy sharing of information. Obviously, there will be a decrease in delays caused by a manual system of operation. Closing entries in accounting accuracy entail zero balancing of temporary accounts by transferring all balances to permanent accounts. Reverse entry is the opposite of closing entry. The steps involved in the accounting process in financial accuracy are repeating the same process of accounting

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research method and statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research method and statistics - Essay Example The following points are needed to be elucidated: The article does not reveal the level of engagement while discussing the listening and understanding on the basis of communication. The dependent variable i.e. communication level must have been clarified by interlinking it to the independent variable in order to interpret the concepts in the variables of hypothesis. The author must have been elaborated the concept communication level in a therapy so that the readers could fully comprehend with the ideas the author intended to explore. In order to examine the article and points given in it, it comes to know that the authors have failed to allude to the relevant literature as well as any research work so that the theme could be carried more weight. Further, the relevant material would have been supportive to for any new research article and expressed the broad knowledge and deep study of the writer. It has limited the views within the structure of the thoughts of the present authors. Moreover, the article looks unable to clarify the duration of the counseling they applied in respect of hydrotherapy treatment. The timings and the duration of the therapeutic counseling must be determined for the better understanding of the readers and patients interested in adopting the therapy for the cure. What the hydrotherapy sessions include, what kind of activities they use, who takes part in these activities and also how many times per week they applied the hydrotherapy. The article lacked the details of the therapeutic process and activities involved in it, as well as methodology implemented in the treatment technique. It does not focus why and when the patients should avail themselves of the hydrotherapy for their cure. The authors lack comprehension and ignore most fundamental principles while preparing a research work. They look unable to classify the variables even. They

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Features of conformity and obedience Essay Example for Free

Features of conformity and obedience Essay Describe the main features of conformity and obedience analyse two conformity and obedience studies and evaluate their application in the public services.  Conformity:  Debra Gray defines conformity as A change in behaviour in response to real or imagined group pressure when there is neither direct request to comply with the group nor any reason to justify the behaviour change. Conformity is the degree to which members of a group will change their behaviour, views and attitudes to fit the views of the group. The group can influence members via unconscious processes or via overt social pressure on individuals. Influence by peers: People have the need to fit in with the society not many people dare to be different. Psychologists have discovered that even the most independent-minded of us will conform to social pressure when we are with a group of people  Emphasis on importance: People see being accepted by others and the sense of belonging as something much more important than actually being right or wrong in a situation. It can sometimes be easier for somebody to be wrong but like everyone else than being right but different to others. I personally believe that this is wrong though, I would rather express my views on something regardless of the controversy they may cause. Regulates behaviour: The fact that people want to be alike and to be able to relate to others makes it easier for their personal views to be manipulated by the group norm, sometimes, a look of disapproval can be enough for someone to keep their viewpoints quiet and decide to agree with the majority. This is a worrying thought as if we loose our individuality we will never grow as much as we could as if we let our own thoughts be heard, we would end up in a very narrow minded society where a few people with stronger personalities and that dare to speak their mind will most probably gain control over us all, and society will follow this leader who may not necessarily be the most adequate like a flock of sheep would not questioning the situation or making a difference. Behaviour similarities to peers: Often with people within the same social section, such as of the same age, gender, race, or religion, tend to act like and behaviour by a member of these social groups that doesnt fit in with the tendencies it would be frowned upon within their social group.  Psychological need to be accepted: If someone persistently refuses to agree with the group, he or she is frequently rejected and ignored. Humans have the need to be in groups and have people to relate to, we all need some form or companionship, and for this reason most of us tend to tweak our attitudes slightly if these cause people to not want to be around us. Psychologists have been carrying out studies to investigate this since the 1930s to investigate how this occurs and what affects these behaviours.  Conformity:  The main experiment carried out to analyse the way in which people conform was the one carried out by Solomon Asch first carried out in 1951; this experiment was put in place to investigate how people follow the group norm even though they know that the group was obviously in the wrong this is how the experiment took place: The participants were given with an unmistakable task, a line judgement task. Participants were presented with two cards. One had on it a standard line: on the other were three comparison lines. They were asked to judge which of the comparison lines were equal in length to the standard line.  Below I have included the image they where presented.  This was done with a control group of 37 people, where the pressure to conform was removed. It was also done with an experimental group containing 6-8 confederates and 1 participant, who was second to last to answer. At first the confederates gave the correct answer, and then they changed to giving the same agreed wrong answer. The results where that, in the control group 35 of the participants made no errors, 1 made a single error. Only 0.7% of the judgements were incorrect.  In the experimental groups 37% of the judgements were incorrect. Of the 125 participants, only 25% gave the correct answer every time, compared to the 95% result from the control group.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Playstation Vs. Nintendo 64 :: essays research papers

Video games are taking the entertainment business by storm. Systems are constantly improving and new systems are always in the process. The two latest systems are the Nintendo 64 and the Sony Playstation. Both have similar qualities, but they are very different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Software selection is a key point when in comes to deciding on a system. A few of the latest games, Madden 99, WWF Warzone, and NHL 99, have been made for both systems. However, the Playstation has a greater variety of role playing games. Playstation would be a better choice for someone who enjoys role playing games. It also has many more games than the Nintendo 64 does. Playstation has been out on the market for a longer period of time than Nintendo 64, this is why it has more games than Nintendo 64.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When it comes to graphics, the Playstation wins again. All of the Nintendo 64 games have polygonal graphics, where the Playstation can also support film graphics for games that star real life actions. If the gamer enjoys watching a story line in a real life situation, Playstation would be the better choice to go with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When it comes to wait time, the Nintendo 64 blows away the Playstation. Some games for the Playstation take up to a minute to load. This is due to the fact that the system uses compact discs for software. On the other hand, Nintendo 64 uses cartridges. These load instantly. If you have no patients for waiting on a game to load, then Nintendo 64 is the better choice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Accessorizing the systems is a minor point, but it is still there. The Nintendo 64 comes with four controller ports, so no additional purchase is necessary (besides the actual controllers). The Playstation, however, comes with only two controller ports.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Organizational Commitment Essay

The focal point of effective human resource management (HRM) is on managing people within the employer-employee relationship. As banks are considered a very critical industry of the economy, it is important that the workforces supporting these banks are well motivated and are effective in delivering the necessary work output. It includes the productive utilization of employees to achieve the organization’s business objectives and satisfy individual employee needs (Stone, 1998). HRM seeks to strategically combine the interests of an organization and its employees (McGraw, 2003). Consequently, ineffective HRM can be a major barrier to employee satisfaction and organization success (McGraw, 2003). HRM practices in the banking industry play a key role in attracting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining employees. HRM practices include recruiting employees, selecting employees, designing work, compensating employees, and developing good labor and employee relations (Noe, 2005). For the purpose of this study, the researcher bundled five specific human resource management practices. These are HR planning, training, career development, performance appraisal, and employee participation programs. The researcher chose to bundle HRM practices since bundled HRM practices produce interrelated and complimentary functions. For example, training and development, and performance appraisal overlap each others’ results. The appraisal of an employee’s performance will show potentials and identify gaps in employee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities that will be filled in by training and development. Furthermore, the alignment of HR practices produce synergy contributing to increase productivity and corporate financial performance (Huselid, 1995). Bundled HRM practices contribute to overall firm performance by motivating employees to adopt desired attitudes and behaviors (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004). Moreover, Chang (2005) argues that employees perceived HR practice as an exclusive and single practice rather than separate and diverse fields. According to Fishbein’s (1963) an individual’s overall attitudes towards each HRM practices can be represented by a summation of the belief held about each HR practices. It is important to study HRM practices and its relationship with work related attitudes, and behaviors. Attitude is a mental state of readiness that is organized through experience, applying a dynamic influence on the individual’s response to objects and situations to which it is related such as job satisfaction and organizational trust. (Allport, 1935). On the other hand, behaviors are manners in which an individual or group conduct and respond to his/her environment like Organizational Citizenship Behaviors or OCBs ( Robbins, 2005). Employee perception of organizational banking practices and working conditions within the banks of Jamaica influence employee attitudes and behavior (Guest, 2001). Existing organizational practices within banks in Jamaica such as HRM should facilitate the development of desired employee attitudes and behavior that contribute to enhance firm performance. Previous studies have found that positive perceptions of HRM practices lead to positive employee attitudes and behaviors such as job satisfaction (Guest, 1999), organizational trust, organizational commitment, organizational justice (Greenberg, 1990). Job satisfaction, organizational trust and OCBs were the variables selected to be studied in relation with HRM practices as these three elements are key factors in organizational effectiveness and these variables are considered understudied. These facets affect and overlap each other’s functions and outputs that contribute to the development of HRM practices. Furthermore, this study contributes to the literature by examining a wide breadth of outcome measures within the same study. The study extends HRM literature in three ways. First, it provides additional research in the examining the role of HRM practices to employee attitudes and behaviors since there are limited studies in HRM conceptualized as a bundle (Chang, 2005; Guest, 2004; Huselid 1995). Second, it examines the proposition of Morrison (1996) on the role of HRM practices in contributing to extra-role behaviors. An examination of HRM literature revealed that there has no study conducted investigating HRM to organizational citizenship behaviors. Third, it also simultaneously examines HRM, job satisfaction, organizational trust, and OCBs in one study. Previous studies have examined these variables separately. For example, Ellickson (2002) and Bradley, Petrescu, and Simmons (2004) conducted the study on HRM practices to job satisfaction, Tzafrir (2004) examined HRM practices to organizational trust. Furthermore, since there are limited studies on HRM practices within the banking industry; this would contribute to the importance of HRM practices in the management organization. Review of Related Literature Human Resource Management Practices HRM contribute to the attainment of an organizations competitive advantage through the strategic implementation of a highly committed and competent workforce using an integrated range of cultural, structural, and personnel techniques. Effective HRM leads to an organization success by developing employees that contributes to the delivery of products and services bring customer satisfaction, business results, and shareholder value (Stone, 1998). The main purpose of HRM is to improve the productive contribution of people wherein the employees are being heard by the management and helping the employees to find new resources that enable them to successfully perform their jobs (Ulrich, 1997). The role played by human resource functions is best explained by determining the key objectives that they seek to align strategies, develop effective policies, systems and activities which are significant to the firm’s overall success (Torrington, Hall & Taylor, 2002; Storey, 1995). HRM functions are critical in running an effective organization. Organizations need to have a competitive HRM functions in order to maintain a competent workforce and attain business objectives (Newman & Hodgetts, 1998). HRM function includes planning, training and development, career development, performance appraisal, and employee relations. These functions help organizations to facilitate strategies that allow them to achieve efficiency and effectiveness (Stone, 1998). HRM functions must change in manner that it accomplishes new roles and new competencies. It also has to be transformed to deal creatively and practically with the emerging challenge. HRM practices have a tangible and various intangible organizational consequences. Prior researches have found support for the role of HRM practices in predicting organizational commitment (Davidson, 1998), job satisfaction (Bradley et al. , 2004), and procedural justice (Edgar & Geare, 2005). Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the valuation of his or her work (Locke, 1976; Steijn, 2002). Even though job satisfaction is a highly personal experience, there are a number of facets that seem to contribute the most to feelings of job satisfaction. Steijn (2002) stated that mentally challenging work, adequate compensation pay, career opportunity, the ready availability of promotions, people that are friendly, considerate, or good-natured superiors contribute to job satisfaction (Johns & Saks, 2000). For instance, the ready availability of promotions is positively related to job satisfaction. The promotion given enhances the perception of the employees that they are valued enough by the organization (Garrido, Perez, & Anton, 2005). Previous studies have shown that compensation (Bassett, 1994), opportunity for advancement (Schneider, 1994), psychological climate, and leadership style (Howell & Frost, 1989) are antecedents of job satisfaction. Organizational Trust Trust is an individual’s expectation, assumption, or belief about the likelihood that another’s future action will be beneficial, favorable, or at least not detrimental to one’s interests (Meyer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995). Trust is considered to be an essential component in organizations since it is a consistent mechanism that supports organizational change and development in an unpredictable environment than hierarchical power and direct surveillance (Kramer & Tyler, 1996). Several studies clearly indicate that the formation of trust within workplace relationships is complex and elusive (Tzafrir, 2003). Furthermore, workplace trust is a necessary element for the development of competitive advantage through support, co-operation, and improvement of systems. Trust is viewed as a feature of the social foundation that begins interactions among parties (Mayer & Davis, 1999). According to Kramer and Tyler (1996), there is a need for organizational trust for the reason of there are organizational needs that are not to be disclosed and one of the elements to address these requirements are employees that trusts their organization. Currall and Judge (1995) defined trust as an individual’s reliance on another person under conditions of dependence and risk. Dependence means that one’s outcomes are reliant on the trustworthy or untrustworthy behavior of another. Furthermore, risk means that one would experience negative outcomes from the other person’s untrustworthy behavior (Kramer & Tyler, 1996). Previous studies have shown that psychological contract breach (Costa 2001), leadership style and organizational communication are antecedents of organizational trust. Organizational Citizenship Behavior Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBs) are behaviors that are discretionary, indirectly seen or recognized by the official compensation system, and as a whole encourage the effective functioning of an organization (Organ, 1998). It is also defined as an employee behavior that is above and beyond the call of duty and is therefore discretionary and not rewarded in the context of an organization’s formal reward structure (Konovsky & Pugh, 1994). Social exchange is an explanatory mechanism to obtain OCBs. It refers to relationships that entail unspecified future obligations. Social exchange is a critical element in understanding OCBs. It is the theoretical basis and the starting point for OCBs to obtain. When HRM practices offered by the organization are perceived favorable by employees, they tend to reciprocate by OCBs (Organ, 1998). For example, when supervisors treat employees fairly, social exchange and the norm of reciprocity (Gouldner, 1960) dictate that employees reciprocate, and OCBs are the avenue for employee’s reciprocation. There are five dimensions of OCBs (Organ, 1998). First is altruism that involves all discretionary behaviors that have the effect of serving a specific other person with an organizationally important task or problems. The second is conscientiousness it is the extent that a person goes well beyond the satisfactory or required level in work attendance; the person exemplifies the brand of OCBs. Third is sportsmanship which the employees’ goodwill in tolerating less than ideal circumstances without â€Å"complaining and making a federal case out of small potatoes. † The fourth dimension is civic virtue which is the behavior that shows a concern for participating in corporate life for example, by performing tasks that they are not required to perform, and doing so for the benefit of the organization. It also implies a sense o involvement in what policies are adapted and which candidates are supported. The last dimension is courtesy which involves such actions as â€Å"touching base† with those parties whose work would be affected by one’s decision or commitments. Touching base refers to actions done by employees that their co-employees values (Organ, 1998). Previous studies have shown that procedural justice (Alotaibi, 2001; Organ, 1998), organizational commitment (Alotaibi, 2001; Mayer & Allen, 1997; Moorman et al. , 1993 ), and job satisfaction (Alotaibi, 2001; Moorman et al. , 1993) leads to OCBs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Student Result Management System

The potential of CIT attracted the attention of the development planners in Bhutan and the 10th FYI was designed to fully harness the potential of Sits to achieve the developmental goal especially of poverty reduction of the Millennium Declaration and Gross National Happiness. In order to address the IT HRS need in the country and to promote and support IT industries in the country, the Information Technology Department (IT'D) proposed to introduce a four year Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology degree in 2009.The College launched BE (IT) with 30 students from the winter semester of 010. Presently, IT'D is supported by 6 teaching faculty, two technicians and two CIT staff (CIT Unit). To support the IT program, the college is constructing a new IT building which will be equipped with the latest IT equipment and facilities. To provide wholesome IT knowledge and skills to the students, IT'D introduced modular courses from 2011 in collaboration with UNIT under Chippie Right er Project. The department is currently working to introduce a testing center at the college.Project Duration: Expected Starting Date: Planned Duration in months: 8th September, 2014 8 months Executive Summary: Page 2 Scope, Introduction and Background of the Project A. Scope of the Project: The scope of the project is as follows: 1 . Student management system will include : 0 Student admission/registration 0 Student details 0 Fee payment records 0 Student ID generation. 2. Result Management System will constitute the following modules: 0 Continuous assessment 0 Attendance report 0 Previous academic records 0 Semester module subscription 0 Student's quota validation 0 Publish / unpublished student results 0 View results B.Introduction: Bal . Project Background and Literature Review: (Detailed summary of what all has been done internationally in the proposed area quoting references and bibliography. Please note that this section demonstrates the depth of knowledge of the project team and builds the confidence of the evaluators about capability of the team in achieving the stated objectives. ) The number of students in the college are increasing. When it comes to registration, the cool The present system uses traditional means of paper and excel sheets for managing the student academic records and results.Managing manually doesn't validates the exact information like students statistics and moreover it's difficult to maintain each record. The exam management cell become quite handy with the increasing number f students every year and limited resources Thus, there need a systematic software/program to maintain the information and the academic performances of all the students. The proposed system is one of the solution that can not only reduce human work but can become effective too. The system will maintain every necessary details about each student, compile result and allow the students to view the result. 2. Current State of the Art: (Please describe the curren t state of the art specific to this research topic. ) Page 3 No result management system has been developed so far in the college. This will be he first attempt to develop the fully functioning result management system. C. (Please describe the challenges, specific to this research topic, currently being faced internationally. ) 0 New admission/registration are tedious with large number of students. 0 Difficulties in maintaining correct information about student appearing in a semester and a repeating semester. No system to keep track of student fee payment records. 0 Lack of online result viewing system. D. Motivation and Need: (Please describe the motivation and need for this work. ) The development of result management system would help lecturers and students to easily manage and maintain the results. The Student Management System, being the dependency of Result Management System, would enable the online registration / admission, manage and update the students' information, get th e statistics of students such as number of students passed or failed in certain years, details of students, etc.Student results can be made available online for viewing, keeping track of the academic performances and attendance reports. 3. A. Specific Objectives Being Addressed by the Project: (Please describe the measurable objectives of the project and define the expected results. Use results-oriented wording with verbs such as to develop.. ‘, to implement.. ‘, to research.. ‘, to determine.. ‘, to identify.. ‘ The objectives should not be statements and should not include explanations and benefits. The objective should actually specify in simple words what the project team intends to achieve (something concrete and measurable/ deliverable).Fill only those objectives that are applicable to the proposed project. ) AAA . Research Objectives: (if any) AAA. Academic Objectives: (if any) AAA. Industrial Objectives: (if any) Page 4 AAA. Other Objectives: (i f any) 4. Research Approach A. Development / Research / Test Methodology: (Please describe the technical details and Justification of your development and research plan and test plan and testing strategies. Identify specialized equipment, facilities and infrastructure which are required for the project and their utilization plan. The block diagrams, system flow charts, high level algorithm details etc. Eave to be provided in this section. ) Methodology for Development The methodology for our project is based on the Software Development Life Cycle (OSDL) We use a methodology that helps us design and develop complex systems sing phased approach (aka Waterfall model). This approach is designed to make sure that we don't move from one phase to another before we have assessed and verified the results of the current phase, and that we have all the necessary information to move on. This methodology also makes the software project management much simpler.The OSDL helps us to define the â₠¬Å"what†, work out â€Å"how', and then develop and deliver a quality product by the â€Å"when†. System development as defined in OSDL version we are adopting consists of seven key phases. Following is a brief introduction to these key phases : Phase 1 : Capturing the Requirements – This phase will involve sitting down with the college exam controller and the focal person who looks after the overall academic matters (Dean Academic Affairs), student management body (Dean Student Affairs) and do lot of listening, followed by a lot of writing.The end result will be a document that defines what the college management requires in terms that the college management can understand. 0 Phase 2: Analyzing the Requirements – In this process, we will develop a deeper understanding of the requirements and will gather as much data we can to help while designing the solution. 0 Phase 3: Designing a Solution – After we understand the requirements and have analyzed them in detail, we will produce a design. This phase defines how the system will be built. Phase 4: Developing a Solution – From the â€Å"what† and the how, we will produce and test the individual, self-contained modules that will make up the solution. 0 Phase 5: System Integration and Testing – We will now take all the modules developed in Phase 4 and put them together as a complete solution. For the first time, we can test the entire system as a cohesive entity. We will confirm that we have a solid product that meets all the original requirements.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Job Displacement essays

Job Displacement essays This is a critical global concern. Although for some countries it has more concerns that other countries. The reasons are that within any country, with the liberalization of trade, many of the traditional jobs such as manufacturing have been displaced to other countries (Brewer and Young, 2000). No doubt that liberalization of trade brings some sort of equality between different countries, but also creates havoc on the families who loose their jobs. And most countries are likely to make minimal efforts to compensate the losers. Such domestic conflicts have long been evident in the United States in the textile, steel, and automobile industries, but their importance increases as the pace of globalization accelerates. More generally, a more open, competitive global economy can be expected to harm the welfare of low-skilled workers in the industrialized countries. In my view, the liberalization of trade should be a choice only when the citizens of that country have enough opportunities for finding other jobs. Moreover, the country has the responsibility that it provides sufficient level of skills and knowledge to its citizen for undertaking more important jobs in the information economy. The gap between Rich Countries and Poor Countries Over the span of a century or more, the income gap between the richest and poorest countries has been widening. In the most recent decades, there are some countries growing rapidly, such as China, India, and Indonesia. However, on the balance, little change in the aggregate has taken place. On the contrary, some countries have become poorer, while rich countries are getter even richer, increasing the gap between haves and have-nots. Certainly, there has been an unprecedented rise in living standards in the period since the end of World War II, associated with the freeing of trade and payments and most recently foreign direct investment, but the ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Social Networing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Networing - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that  the early social networking practices were focused on bringing people to a common platform by using chat rooms. With the advanced information technology, the social networking practices have become more viral in nature. Social networking activities have started impacting people in various ways.  According to the report findings the primary aim of social networking is to expand the contact base by connecting to various people. Almost all social networking sites try to build their platform towards this common goal. May be the purpose of connecting an individual differs from one social networking site to another but ultimately it is all about connecting to people. For instance, LinkedIn will be used by people who love to develop their professional contacts whereas SparkLives will be used by people who share a common interest, healthy living. Likewise, there are numerous other social networking platforms that are dedicated to a particular domain. People who understand the purpose of networking would get benefit from these dedicated communities or networking sites.  Globalization is making world smaller by breaking country barriers and social networking fueling this globalization in various ways.  Globalization is what making global economy much stronger. With the increasing social networking activities for past 10 years, the world has become much smaller as people from various countries interact and share information on a single platform.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 143

Summary - Essay Example In order to attain the primary aim of the research, questions such as â€Å"what is the median temperature at which intracellular ice formation occurs in human oocytes?† â€Å"How readily does intracellular ice formation (IIF) occur in human oocytes?† and â€Å"what is the effect of extracellular seeding on human oocytes?† (Trad et al. 1572-73). These questions were answered through an experimental design that used failed-to-fertilize and fresh oocytes with a germinal vesicle and polyspermic eggs. This design included visualization of how IFF first occurred at a cooling rate of 120OC/min using a programmable thermal microscope stage attached to a video microscope (Trad et al. 1574). It also involved execution of extracellular seeding at a cooling rate of 0.2 OC/min in order to decrease the occurrence of IIF and in turn increase survival rates of the freeze-thawed human oocytes. The design also used distinct cryoprotectants and decreased the median temperature in both mouse and human oocytes (Trad et al. 1575). The study portrayed that IIF occurs enthusiastically in human oocytes, and detrimental IIF can be avoided, and survival rates maximized. The results portrayed a 78%, 33% and 0% occurrence of IIF, and the 24 h post-thaw survival rate was 32%, 56%, and 93% respectively (Trad et al. 1576). Trad, Fouad  S., Mehmet Toner, and John  D. Biggers. "Effects of cryoprotectants and ice-seeding temperature on intracellular freezing and survival of human oocytes." Human Reproduction 14.6  (1998): 1569-1577.